Simply Amazing always this is just amazing, I could never tire of your beautiful animation!
Simply Amazing always this is just amazing, I could never tire of your beautiful animation!
WOW! im amazed! smooth animation, sleak drawing style....and it's a WESTERN!!!
Just simply beautiful...I can't wait to see more!
I Love the music !!!
The music in this flash was amazing!!!
the use of special effects was awesome too! you did some stuff that I attempted to do in an animation and failed miserably... It's nice to see that it can be done!
however, the voices... you had alot of people who you thanked in your credits... couldnt you get at least one of those people to help with voices... so your characters dont all sound the same....
Cant wait to see the next eppisode though! keep up the excellent work.
Silent Hill meets Alice in Wonderland......
Wow.... I can understand why its so short.... because of the KBs but WHY!!!! WHY!!!!! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!
*runs off crying*
p.s. that was amazing, i loved the animating and the artwork!!!!
I have no idea what that was...but it spoke to me.
That was really pretty....I particularly liked the sweeping shot of the purple character walking along the beach.
nice graphics and brilliant music, cant wait to see the whole thing.
I am so sick of Stickman Animations
Man....its obvious that you have a buttload of tallent...which is why it is so dissapointing to see that you've made "just another stick man animation." i mean.....all you need to do is make some of the sticks fatter, and different colours....and its no longer a stick man.
A very stylish animation however, keep up the good work.
I can't believe our own friend is a mummy!
That was really funny......I laughed my tits off over the mummy comment.
stylish animation too, loved the P4 in the background. :P
Its been done before.....
not your graphics...not your sounds....not your music....not even you own IDEA!!!! smash bros has been done before...and even when it was 3D it still was no good....
you obviously have some tallent in its a shame to see you waste it with someone elses stupid game.....
EERM dude.......THIS IS A PARODY.........its not meant to be my idea....just my animations.
Age 40, Male
Anime Artist
Brisbane, Australia
Joined on 8/4/04